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关于「about」与「be about to」的那些差别!






Engvid的讲师Emma提出了「about」与「be about to」两种用法,并且用大量的例句堆叠英文实力,让你熟悉英文文法和语感,下次就能自然说出口!

1. About 大约(adv.)、关于(prep.)

(1) It’s about five miles to town. (around, close to) 大概还要五英哩才能到城内。 (2) What’s Titanic about? (subject) 铁达尼号是在谈论什么? What are you thinking about? (subject) 你在想什么?

2. BeV + about + to + V = going to + V + soon 即将、正要

(1) I’m about to eat dinner. Can I call you when I finish? 我将要吃晚餐了,可以吃完再打给你吗? (2) The movie is about to begin. 这部电影要开始了。

3. BeV + not + about + to + V = determination (not used in writing)

带有决心之意,但写作时通常不会使用。 e.g. I am not about to stop studying English because I failed a class. 因为我某堂课被当了,所以我不会停止学习英文。

4. 练习

(1) Shiv is _______ six feet tall. (2) I’m _______ get on the train. (3) Your father is _______ let you date Antonio. (4) What is Terminator _______? (5) I just heard Aziza and Ayesha talking ______ Nadira.

(1) About (2) About to (3) Not about to (4) About (5) about

about, about 中文, about 意思, about 用法, about 跟 be about to 差别, be about to, be about to 中文, be about to 意思, be about to 用法
