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热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 04:29
1. The 2th International Symposium on the Role ofEngineering Mechanics in the Training of Engineers, 12-15, October,1998,Beijing, China,Chairman: Prof. Bingye Xu(China), M. Tokuda(Japan), Organized byEcational Committee of Chinese Socitety of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,Co.- Organized by Tsinghua University, China; North China University ofTechnology, China, Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China;
2. The 4th International Symposium on Microstructures andMechanical Properties of New Engineering Materials, 20-23, September, 1999,Beijing, China,Chairman: Prof. Bingye Xu(China),M. Tokuda(Japan). Organized by Tsinghua University, China;Mie University, Japan,North ChinaUniversity of Technology, China, Supported by National Natural ScienceFoundation of China;
3. The 4th International Conference On NonlinearMechanics(ICNM-Ⅳ) and IUTAM Symposium on Duality-Complementarity-Symmetryin Nonlinear Mechanics(SDCS),August 13-16, 2002,Shanghai Baolong Hotel-Shanghai Univ.,Chairman: Prof. Chien Wei-zang (China);Prof. Ogden Ray W.(UK),Sponsored by ChineseSociety of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Science and Technology Commissionof Shanghai Municipality, Shanghai University, Supported by National NaturalScience Foundation of China, National Science Foundation of United States ofAmerica, K.C.Wong Ecation Foundation of United States of America, ShanghaiInstitute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Shanghai Center for NonlinearSciences, Editorial Board of “Applied Mathematics and Mechanics”;
4. The 3th International Conference On Boundary ElementTechniques,10-12,September2002,Tsinghua Univ., Chairman:Prof. Zhenhan Yao(China);Prof. M. H. Aliabadi(UK),Sponsored by TsinghuaUniversity, China, University of London, UK, Beijing Society of Mechanics,Beijing Association of Science and Technology, National Natural ScienceFoundation of China;
5. The 6th International Symposium on Microstructures andMechanical Properties of New Engineering Materials,26 October-1 November2003,WuhanUniv. Tech.,China,Chairman:Prof.Bingye Xu(China);Prof. Masataka Tokuda(Japan),Prof. Guozheng Sun(China). Organized by Tsinghua University, China;Wuhan Universityof Technology, China, Mie University, Japan,Sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China,Wuhan Universityof Technology, China;
6. The Six World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM Ⅵ) in Conjunction with Second Asian-Pacific Congress forComputational Mechanics (APCOM 04), the Beijing Hotel, Beijing, China ,September 5-10, 2004, Congress Honorary Chairmen: L. X. Qian (China),O. C.Zienkiewicz(UK),Organization Institutions, Organizers: InternationalAssociation for Computational Mechanics, Asian-Pacific Association forComputational Mechanics; Local Organizer: The Chinese Society of Theoretical andApplied Mechanics ,Chinese Association of Computational Mechanics, PekingUniversity, Tsinghua University, Dalian University of Technology, Institute ofMechanics, Chinese Academy of Science; Sponsors: Ministry of Science andTechnology of China,National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry ofEcation of China, South China; University of Technology, Shanghai Jiao TongUniversity, Hehai University, Wuhan University of Technology.
7. International Symposium on Modern Applied Technology andManagement Science, 2005, North China University of Technology, Beijing, China,September 1st, 2005 to September 4th, 2005, California State PolytechnicUniversity, Pomona (USA),Southern Polytechnic State University (USA),EastTennessee State University (USA),Central Michigan University (USA),Universityof Central Lancashire (UK),Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences(Germany),University of Kassel (Germany),Gangnam University (Korea),TakushokuUniversity (Japan),Nippon Bunri University (Japan),Far Eastern State TechnicalUniversity (Russia),Roman University (Italy).
8. The tenth EPMESC (Ecation, Practice and Promotionof Computational Methods in Engineering Using Small Computers)internationalconference,August21-23, 2006,Sanya,Hainan Island of China
9. the 6th International Conference on Ecation andPractice of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science( EPMESC VI),4-7Augst 1997, Guangzhou China, South China Univ of Tech, National Lab of CivilEngineering Portugal ,Dalian Univ Tech, Task committee of Computational Mech,Chinese Society of Mech, Technical Univ of Lisbon;
10. The 3th International Conference On NonlinearMechanics(ICNM-Ⅳ),August 17-20, 1998,Shanghai,Chairman:Prof. Cheng Changjun(China),Sponsored by ChineseSociety of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Science and Technology Commissionof Shanghai Municipality, Shanghai University, Supported by National NaturalScience Foundation of China, K.C.Wong Ecation Foundation of HK, ShanghaiInstitute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Shanghai Center for NonlinearSciences, Editorial Board of “Applied Mathematics and Mechanics”;
11. The 17th International Conference Structural Mechanics inReactor Technology(IASMiRT),TOP HOTEL Prague, Czech Republic, August17-22,2003, International Association for Structural Mechanics in ReactorTechnology(IASMiRT), Brno Univ Tech, Brno, Czech Republic, Czech Association ofMechanics Engineers;
12. The 4th International Conference on FluidMechanics(ICFM-IV),July 28-31,2003,Dalian China, rganized by CSTAM, Cosponsoredby: Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Mathematik and Mechanik, US National Committeeon Biomechanics ,Bioengineering Division, Fluid Engineering Division,Engineering Mechanics Division ,The Int Society of Offshore and PolarEngineers, Japan Society for Fliud Mechanics, Institute of Mechanics, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Chinese Aerodynamic Research and Development Centre, HongKong Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, State Key Lab of Coastal andOffshore Engineering, DUT;
13. International Conference on Heterogenous Mechanics, June24-29,2003,Chongqing Univ. and YangTze River/Three Gorges, China;
14. ICCES'05-INDIA ((International Conference onComputational and Experimental Engineering & Sciences) 13th in a series ofconferences initiated in 1986. Previous ICCES conferences were held at:Madeira, Portugal (2004); Corfu, Greece (2003); Reno, NV (2002); PuertoVallarta, Mexico (2001); Los Angeles (2000); Atlanta (1998); Costa Rica (1997);Hawaii (1995); Hong Kong (1992); Melbourne, Australia (1991); Atlanta (1988); Tokyo(1986);
15. ECCM2006 - III European Conference on Computational Solidand Structural Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 5-8June 2006.
16. EPMESC IX - the 9th International Conference on Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science,25 - 28, Nov. 2003, University of Macau, Macao
17. Invitation The series of EPMESC international conferences devotedto computational methods in engineering and science was created by a group ofprominent scholars in the field: Prof E. Arantes e Oliveira, Prof Y. K. Cheung,Prof T. Kawai and the late Prof Luo Songfa. The first was held in Macao in 1985 and thereafter held alternately in Macao and a city in Chinaincluding Guangzhou, Dalianand Shanghai.The acronym for EPMESC has evolved from the conference title ofEcation, Practice and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineeringusing Small Computers to Enhancement and Promotion of ComputationalMethods in Engineering and Science. The conference has also grown fromone attracting in the beginning researchers from Chinaand Europe to almost all continents. The ninthEPMESC international conference will be held in November 2003 in Macao.The Conference Board and the Organizing Committee invite all involved withdevelopment and application of computational methods in engineering and scienceto participate and contribute to the conference to foster creation of knowledgeas well as friendship.
18. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, AnInternational Journal, ISSN(Print) 1225-4568, ISSN(Online) 1598-6217, Editedby : Chang-Koon Choi ,William C. Shnobrich, Published 18 issues in2005 (Triweekly), Impact Factor: 0.468
19. FifthInternational Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics (ICNM-V), June 11-14, 2007,Shanghai, China, Chairman:Prof. Chien Wei-zang (China). Sponsored by: Chinese Society of Theoreticaland Applied Mechanics, Science and Technology Commission of ShanghaiMunicipality, Shanghai University, Supported by: National Natural ScienceFoundation of China, K.C.Wong Ecation Foundation, Hong Kong, ShanghaiInstitute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Shanghai Center for NonlinearSciences, Editorial Board of “Applied Mathematics and Mechanics”
20. ICCES'07-USA((International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering &Sciences), 3-8 Jan 2007: Miami, USA, The 14th ICCES Conference, ICCES07, GeneralChair: Prof. M.( Miami, USA); Nakagaki(Trustee, Kyushu Inst. of Tech., JAPAN),(at:WyndhamMiami Beach Resort4833 Collins Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33140)
21. EngOpt2010- 2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization 6 - 9 September2010, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal
22. BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress of Well Stimulation & Enhanced Oil Recovery (WSEOR-2010)
23. The20th in the series of ICCES conferences, ICCES2010, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA,ring 28 March-1 April 2010.
24. FifthEuropean Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2010,June 14th - 17th, 2010,Lisbon,Portugal