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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 02:04



热心网友 时间:2023-11-28 04:37

  西蒙格林(Simon R. Green)的发迹过程相当传奇。他从上世纪七○年代初期开始写作,但除了短篇小说外,长篇屡屡碰壁,不过也因此累积了可观的存稿。一九八八年,在三年多没有固定工作之后,格林进入书店工作,想不到两天后便卖出七部小说,更由于撰写凯文科斯纳的《侠盗王子罗宾汉》电影小说,凭着他简洁犀利的文笔...

  . No Haven for the Guilty (1990)
  aka Hawk and Fisher

  2. Devil Take the Hindmost (1990)
  aka Winner Takes All

  3. The God Killer (1991)

  4. Vengeance for a Lonely Man (1991)
  aka Wolf in the Fold

  5. Guard against Dishonour (1991)

  6. Two Kings in Haven (1992)
  aka The Bones of Haven

  Guards of Haven (omnibus) (1999)
  Haven of Lost Souls (omnibus) (1999)
  Swords of Haven (omnibus) (1999)
  7. Beyond the Blue Moon (2000)

  Fear and Loathing in Haven (omnibus) (2000)

  Forest Kingdom
  1. Blue Moon Rising (1991)

  2. Blood and Honour (1992)

  3. Down Among the Dead Men (1993)

  Twilight of the Empire
  1. Mistworld (1992)

  2. Ghostworld (1993)

  3. Hellworld (1993)

  Twilight of the Empire (omnibus) (1997)
  Deathstalker Prelude (omnibus) (1998)

热心网友 时间:2023-11-28 04:38

