发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 01:20
热心网友 时间:2022-05-15 13:46
展开1全部GSP是英文Good Supplying Practice缩写,直译为良好的药品供应规范,在我国称为《药品经营质量管理规范》。它是指在药品流通过程中,针对计划采购、购进验收、储存、销售及售后服务等环节而制定的保证药品符合质量标准的一项管理制度。其核心是通过严格的管理制度来约束企业的行为,对药品经营全过程进行质量控制,保证向用户提供优质的药品。
热心网友 时间:2022-05-15 15:04
GSP是英文Good Supplying Practice缩写,直译为良好的药品供应规范,在我国称为《药品经营质量管理规范》。它是指在药品流通过程中,针对计划采购、购进验收、储存、销售及售后服务等环节而制定的保证药品符合质量标准的一项管理制度。其核心是通过严格的管理制度来约束企业的行为,对药品经营全过程进行质量控制,保证向用户提供优质的药品。
GPS 是英文Global Positioning System(全球定位系统)的简称,而其中文简称为“球位系”。GPS是20世纪70年代由美国陆海空三军联合研制的新一代空间卫星导航定位系统 。其主要目的是为陆、海、空三大领域提供实时、 全天候和全球性的导航服务,并用于情报收集、核爆监测和应急通讯等一些军事目的,经过20余年的研究实验,耗资300亿美元,到1994年3月,全球覆盖率高达98%的24颗GPS卫星星座己布设完成。在机械领域GPS则有另外一种含义:产品几何技术规范(Geometrical Proct Specifications)-简称GPS。另外一种解释为G/s(GB per s)
热心网友 时间:2022-05-15 16:39
GSP (关税)一般特惠制 (=Generalized System of Preference)
GSP Generalized System of Preferences
****** GSP Georges St. Pierre (martial artist)
***** GSP German Shorthaired Pointer (dog breed)
***** GSP Geometer's Sketchpad (KTP Technologies geometry software)
***** GSP Gross State Proct
***** GSP Garden State Parkway
***** GSP Georgia State Patrol
**** GSP General System of Preferences
**** GSP Garden State Plaza (Mall)
**** GSP Geological Survey of Pakistan
**** GSP Gurdaspur (India)
**** GSP Geometers' Sketchpad (Key Curriculum Press)
**** GSP Government Security Program (Microsoft)
**** GSP Gene-Specific Primer
**** GSP Government Security Policy
**** GSP Global Service Provider
*** GSP Green Star Polyp (coral)
*** GSP Girl Scouts of the Philippines
*** GSP Global Service Platform (Nortel)
*** GSP General Studies Program
*** GSP General Studies Programme (European Space Agency)
*** GSP Global Studies Program
*** GSP Galvanized Steel Pipe (construction/building material)
*** GSP Google Sitemap Protocol
*** GSP Growth and Stability Pact (aka Stability and Growth Pact)
*** GSP Grupo Sur Promociones (Guatemala)
*** GSP Good Scientific Practice
*** GSP Green Seattle Partnership
*** GSP Graate Safety Practitioner (Board of Certified Safety Professionals)
*** GSP Government of Canada Security Policy
*** GSP Grid Service Provider
*** GSP Ground Support Personnel (US NASA)
** GSP Graphics System Processor
** GSP General Strike Plan
** GSP Corellian Gunship (Star Wars)
** GSP Good Safety Practice
** GSP Gaming Service Provider (online gaming)
** GSP Globemaster Sustainment Partnership (US Air Force and Boeing)
** GSP Gyro Stabilized Platform
** GSP Grille, Système et Parallélisme (French: Grids System and Parallelism)
** GSP Global Security Program
** GSP Graphic Subroutine Package
** GSP Good Service Pension
** GSP Grants and Special Projects
** GSP Gigabit Switch Platform (Cicso)
** GSP Global SOF (Special Operations Forces) Posture
** GSP Gameshark Pro
** GSP Gas Supply Pressure
** GSP Government Services Provider (US government contracting)
* GSP Government Specified Purchase
* GSP Ground Support Position
* GSP Groundwater Surveillance Program
* GSP Generic Switch Place
* GSP Gardermoen Service Partner
* GSP Generalized Stokes Parameter
* GSP Grandparent Support Program
* GSP Gnu Server Page(s) (Java Servlet for HTML scripting)
* GSP Greenville / Greer, SC, USA - Greenville Spartanburg Airport (Airport Code)
* GSP Generic Serial Port
* GSP Global Sprintlink Proct (Sprint)
* GSP Global Sprintfax Proct (Sprint)
* GSP Global Sales Processes
* GSP Global SOF Posture (TRADOC)
* GSP Generic Software Platform
* GSP Getting Started Package
* GSP Grupo Sur de Promociones
* GSP Graphing Social Patterns (social networking conference)
热心网友 时间:2022-05-15 18:30
GSP是“Good supplg practice(药品经营质量管理规范)”英文翻译的缩写,它是一个国际通用概念,也是国家对药品经营企业一种法定的监督管理形式。
热心网友 时间:2022-05-15 20:38
Good Supplying Practice缩写,直译为良好的药品供应规范