1、 come out:出来;出版;结果是,结局是。
例如:The stars came out as soon as it was dark.天一黑,星星就出来了。
When did that book come out?那本书什么时候出版的?
2、come round:到这儿来;(又一度)到来。
例如:You'd better come round here in the morning.你最好早晨就过来。
I am always glad when pay day comes round.到发工资的那天,我总是很高兴。
3、come through:经历(危险)活了下来。
例如:He considered himself fortunate to have come through two world wars.他认为自己很幸运,经过了两次世界大战都活下来了。
4、come to:加起来总共有(共计);谈到,涉及到。
例如:How much does our bill come to this month?我们这个月的帐单总计达到多少?
When it comes to computers, I'm totally at sea.当涉及到电脑时, 我可是一无所知。
5、come up with:提出,想出。
例如:Scientists will have to come up with new methods of increasing the world's food supply.科学家们必须想出新的办法来增加世界粮食供应。