The dispute was caused by "Five days insant chicken" is hitting recently.The similar problems attract us to focus on the flush phenomenons of "instant". The potential of that is we chase after the efficiency in feellessly crossing the line of "urgent era". Most of the time, if u observe carefully,It is not" busy",but "urgent".In this situation, we are crazy with the consequences and ignore the processes,which tends to despised the principles,which caused kinds of problems ------The Chinese way of crossing road, the flashing marrages and divorces,even the bridges collapsing.......when we are giong regret ,we recognised that "instant" usaully coupled by going bad,the art of slow is also needed in our lives.
Kvin tagoj "momenteto" kokido kaŭzis diskutado lastatempe daŭre simmer, por inciti popola atenton sur la socia fenomeno de la proliferación de "tuja". La esenco de ĉi tiu fenomeno estas, ke promenante en la persekutado de tuja, vivo senkonscie sur la "akcelita epoko. Se atente identigita, fakte, multaj fojoj, ni ne estas en la "okupitaj", sed simple "radikala". Tiu maltrankvila, miksita kun fanatika rezulto, la neglekto de la procezo, kaj poste derivi la reguloj de malestimo, naskis al diversaj problemoj - ina-stilo kruco la vojo, la flash de la flash geedzeco, eĉ ponto inĝenierio frakasante kolapso ... al Regretinde mo en oportuna maniero, ni subite rimarkis: la originalo, la kolizio estas ofte akompanata de mortema, nia vivo, sed ankaŭ la arto de malrapida.
Five days "instant" chicken caused controversy recently continue to simmer, to provokepeople's attention on the social phenomenon of the proliferation of "instant". Theessence of this phenomenon is that walking in the pursuit of immediate, lifeunconsciously into the "expedited era. If carefully identified, in fact, many times, we are not in the "busy", but simply "radical." This anxious, mixed with fanatical result, theneglect of the process, and then derive the rules of contempt, gave birth to a variety ofproblems - Chinese-style cross the road, the flash from the flash marriage, even bridge engineering crashing collapse ... to be regretted Mo in a timely manner, we suddenly realized: the original, the crash is often accompanied by a mortal, our lives, but also theart of slow.