With the Foursquare Timescape application you will be able to set it up so that you can receive the latest Foursquare activity updates of your friends in your Timescape platform. This app is extremely useful and it allows you to stay connected with friends at all times.
This application tool will constantly let you know exactly where you friends are at all times because it gives you their location via GPS on their cell phones.
Foursquare Timescape 是一款社交软件,使你可以获知同在Timescape平台上的 Foursquare好友的动态更新,从而与自己的好友随时保持联系。 该程序之所以能让你获取好友的位置信息,是因为它提供了这些好友手机上的GPS信息。
Foursquare Timescape的中文名有人翻译为四角位置服务,从单词上看貌似可译为四方时空。