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英语作文 某企业的开业致辞

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 07:48



热心网友 时间:2022-06-16 10:30

大家早上好! 经过近半年紧锣密鼓的项目建设和设备安装调试,xxx有限公司今天正式开业了!在这喜庆的日子里,我谨代表xxx有限公司全体员工,向各位领导和各位朋友的光临表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢! 我们将满怀豪情,不负重望,以优质的产品和服务回报社会。我相信:不久的将来,xxx有限公司必将创造更辉煌的明天!在此我代表xxx有限公司的全体员工、对给予我们支持和帮助的。各位领导、及各位朋友再次表示衷心的感谢!
The Opening Speech of xxx Limited Liability Company
Distinguished all leaders, guests and friends:
Good morning, everyone! Through almost half year of busy project construction and equipment installation commissioning, xxx Limited Liability Company is officially opened today. In this joyous day, on behalf of all the staff of xxx Limited Liability Company, I show our warm welcome and sincere appreciation to all the leaders and friends, thank you all for coming! We will be full of pride and provide the superior procts and service to return society as good as you might expect. I believe, in the near future, xxx Limited Liability Company will inevitably create more splendid tomorrow! Here, on behalf of all the staff of xxxLimited Liability Company, I show our sincere appreciation again to all leaders and friends who give us more support and assistance.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-16 11:48

Dear patrons, directors and fellow workers. First I would like to thank you for attending this opening function of the company. flow by all the bullshits, .....................................you like to bullshit lah
I thank you. Have a good refreshments from the buffet spread. Enjoy!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-16 13:22

The Opening Speech of xxx Limited Liability Company
Distinguished all leaders, guests and friends:
Good morning, everyone! Through almost half year of busy project construction and equipment installation commissioning, xxx Limited Liability Company is officially opened today. In this joyous day, on behalf of all the staff of xxx Limited Liability Company, I show our warm welcome and sincere appreciation to all the leaders and friends, thank you all for coming! We will be full of pride and provide the superior procts and service to return society as good as you might expect. I believe, in the near future, xxx Limited Liability Company will inevitably create more splendid tomorrow! Here, on behalf of all the staff of xxxLimited Liability Company, I show our sincere appreciation again to all leaders and friends who give us more support and assistance.
