发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 20:13
热心网友 时间:2022-04-09 09:53
解压好后更名为 phpmyadmin 注意全是小写的,把它放在 \文件夹\htdocs下
2.将config.sample.inc.php 更名为 config.inc.php
3,配制 config.inc.php
修改 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] 把前面的 //去掉,在后面写上数据库名字 如 'root'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] 把前面的// 去掉,在后面写上数据库密码,如'123'
修改$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = '' 在后面'' 里面随便填上几个数字 '456'
4. 配*务器的php.ini
将php下的 libmcrypt.dll 复制到 C:\WINDOWS\system32
将 ;extension=php_mcrypt.dll前的;去掉
将下载文件解压缩到 WEB 访问路径下。文件目录如phpmyadmin。
然后配置目录下libraries文件下的 config.default.php 文件。
$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = ‘http://localhost/phpmyadmin’;
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = ’123456′;
$cfg['DefaultLang'] = ‘zh-gb2312′;
$cfg['DefaultCharset'] = ‘gb2312′;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = ‘cookie’;
phpMyAdmin V4.5.1
- issue Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
- issue array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array
- issue #11480 Notice Undefined index: drop_database
- issue #11486 Server variable edition in ANSI_QUOTES sql_mode: losing current value
- issue #11491 Propose table structure broken
- issue #114 phpMyAdmin suggests upgrading to newer version not usable on that system
- issue #11495 'PMA_Microhistory' is undefined
- issue #11496 Incorrect definition for getTablesWhenOpen()
- issue #11500 Error when creating new user on MariaDB 10.0.21
- issue #11505 Notice on htmlspecialchars()
- issue Notice in Structure page of views
- issue #11510 AUTO_INCREMENT always exported when IF NOT EXISTS is on
- issue #11516 Some partitions are missing in copied table
- issue #11521 Notice of undefined variable when performing SHOW CREATE
- issue #11509 Error exporting sql query results with table alias
- issue #11512 SQL editing window does not recognise 'OUTER' keyword in 'LEFT OUTER JOIN'
- issue #11518 "NOT IN" clause not recognized (MySQL 5.6 and 5.7)
- issue #11524 Yellow star does not change in database Structure after add/remove from favorites
- issue #11531 Invalid SQL in table definition when exporting table
- issue #11526 Foreign key to other database's tables fails
- issue #11519 Bug while exporting results when a joined table field name is in SELECT query
- issue #11522 Strange behavior on table rename
- issue #11539 Rename table does not result in refresh in left panel
- issue #11541 Missing arguments for PMA_Table::generateAlter()
- issue #11544 Notices about undefined indexes on structure pages of information_schema tables
- issue Change minimum PHP version for Composer
- issue #11542 Import parser and backslash
- issue #11546 "Visualize GIS data" seems to be broken
- issue #11548 Confirm box on "Reset slave" option
- issue Fix cookies clearing on version change
- issue #11558 Cannot execute SQL with subquery
- issue #11520 Incorrect syntax creating a user using mysql_native_password with MariaDB
- issue #11561 Cannot use third party auth plugins
phpMyAdmin 4.3.11 更新日志
# SQL链接错误4774是完全错误的
错误4768:# MariaDB版本不匹配
错误4767:在细雨# mysql_charsets.inc.php未定义的索引
错误4778 SQL数据库列表时出错#通过附加的列进行排序
phpMyAdmin V4.4.6.1 Final
[安全] CSRF漏洞安装
phpMyAdmin V4.5.5 更新内容:
Fixes include improvements to changing passwords on newer MariaDB servers and several fixes to the SQL parser which will resolve some errors users encountered entering commands in the SQL tab.