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2022-05-04 来源:华佗健康网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、And they carry out various biochemical processes in your intestine and they help you digest food.(而他们在你的肠子里执行多种生化过程,帮助你消化食物。)

2、These effects were probably the result of some biochemical changes Dr Dunlap saw in the treated ewes.(这些效应可能就是丹拉普博士在经过处理的母羊身上看到的一些生物化学变化的结果。)

3、minerals are very important for supporting biochemical functions in many of the body’s functions.(矿物质对许多机体功能都有着重要的辅助作用。)

4、Or the laggards may be cooking up some biochemical nest protection.(或是调制用来保护巢穴的生化制品。)

5、Water also plays an important role in biochemical cell reactions and makes them more efficient.(水也发挥了重要作用,在细胞的生化反应,使它们更有效率。)

6、Figuring out how they fold correctly is thus crucial to understanding biochemical processes, and to creating new drugs.(因此了解这些蛋白质是如何正确组合成的成为了理解生物化学过程和新药发明的关键所在。)

7、This paper deals with the study on haemogram and blood biochemical parameters of 12 healthy Rhinopithecus roxellanae.(本文研究了12种健康的金丝鼻猴的血流图和血液生化参数的研究。)

8、Thisphenomenon provides a biochemical explanation for why so many of thosewho lose weight end up putting it back on.(这种现象为那么多体重减轻后最终又反弹的人提供了生物学的解释。)

9、Other issues include scaling-down problems that occur with biochemical reactions, such as diffusion rates and heating.(其它还包括降低生化反应中出现的问题如速度和加热的弥散。)

10、Birds, which also eat fruits, don’t have the same biochemical pain pathway, so they don’t suffer at all from capsaicin.(同样会吞食果实的鸟类就缺少感受这种疼痛的生化通路,因此辣椒素对它们一点作用也没有。)

11、They disassemble sugar molecules and turn the energy thus liberated into a form that biochemical machinery can use.(它们分解糖分子使能量转变成可供生理机制使用的形式。)

12、Enzymes are highly efficient and specific biochemical catalysts.(酶是高效而专一的生物化学催化剂。)

13、Researchers have established that when people are mentally engaged, biochemical changes occur in the brain that allow it to act more effectively in cognitive areas such as attention and memory.(研究人员已经证实,当人们动脑筋时,大脑中会发生生化变化,使其在注意力和记忆等认知区域更有效地发挥作用。)

14、For example, breathing through the mouth affects hundreds of biochemical and physiological processes in the human body.(比如,用嘴呼吸影响数百的身体上生理的和生化的过程。)

15、Rats and humans have similar biochemical pathways.(老鼠和人类有类似的生化途径。)

16、Any stressful experience will create about 1,400 biochemical events in your body.(任何紧张的经历都会在你的体内造成大约1400个生化反应。)

17、Eurosilva should support joint European research on tree diseases and their physiological and biochemical aspects.(Eurosilva应该支持欧洲关于树木疾病及其生理和生化方面的联合研究。)

18、Are there different biochemical pathways that could lead to other kinds of life?(有没有其他的生命途径能够产生不同的生命体?)

19、Instead, it matches the ratio found when organic molecules have been through a few rounds of biochemical processing.(相反,与经历几轮生物化学过程的有机体分子中的比例匹配。)

20、The research is reported in biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.(这项研究被刊登在《生化与生理研究通讯》上。)

21、Third, it would not dissipate its biochemical effort on non-essential tasks.(第三,它不会在不重要的任务中扩散其生化效应。)

22、These processes often involve a sequence of biochemical reactions inside the cell.(这些过程通常涉及细胞内的一系列生化反应。)

23、No one understands on a biochemical level why physical activity might help the brain.(在生物化学层面上,没有人能理解为什么身体锻炼有益于大脑。)

24、Take the question of whether computers can replicate the biochemical complexity of an organic brain.(电脑能否重复有机大脑的生化复杂性?)

25、On a biochemical level, a Carbohydrate is a simple fusion of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen molecules.(从生化角度讲,碳水化合物是一个含有碳,氢,氧元素的简单化合物。)

26、For example, scientists can search for a biochemical marker that is tied to certain species of algae that live only in ice.(例如,科学家可以借此寻找一个与仅在冰中生存的某些藻类物种相关的生化标记物。)

27、Starvation brings biochemical changes in the body.(饥饿引起体内的生化变化。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


