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Powered tool

2024-09-12 来源:华佗健康网

专利名称:Powered tool

发明人:Zetterstrom Smith, Ian,Crowley, Donald申请号:EP06253115.7申请日:20060620公开号:EP1743517A1公开日:20070117


摘要:A powered tool comprises a main body unit (1) and a functional attachment (2or 12) having a working appliance (10). The main body unit (1) and the functional

attachment (2 or 12) are provided with complementary inter-engageable connectors (7, 8or 7, 18), and the main body unit is provided with first and second switches (5, 6) for

controlling the supply of power to the working appliance (10). The main body unit (1) andthe functional attachment (2 or 12) are provided with power transmission means fortransmitting power to the working appliance (10). The power transmission means is suchthat actuation of the first switch (5) or actuation of both switches (5, 6) is necessary toenable the supply of power to the working appliance (10).

申请人:Husqvarna UK Limited

地址:Preston Road Aycliffe Industrial Park, Newton Aycliffe County Durham, DL5 6UPGB


代理机构:Pratt, David Martin

