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2024-02-27 来源:华佗健康网




Mountains are big without firewood, trees are big and hollow.


No useless man is born in heaven, and no nameless grass grows in the earth.


Nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who are willing to do it.


Laxative light decoction, tonic strong boil. 5、是草有根,是话有因。

Grass has roots and words have reasons. 6、细水长流,吃穿不愁。

Thin water flows long without worrying about food and clothing.

7、三人同心,黄土变金。 Three concerted, loess gold. 8、勿贪意外之财,勿饮过量之酒。

Don't be greedy for unexpected wealth, don't drink too


much wine.


Where there is an uphill, there is a downhill. Where there is an approach, there is a way out. 10、有话说在明处,有药敷在痛处。

There is a saying that in the open place, there are medicines applied to the pain. 11、水停百日生虫,人闲百日生病。

When water stops for a hundred days, worms will grow and people will get sick for a hundred days. 12、上顿不吃饱,下顿省不了。

The last meal is not full, the next one is not saved. 13、身不怕动,脑不怕用。

The body is not afraid to move, the brain is not afraid to use.


Garlic in summer and ginger in winter do not require a doctor to prescribe.


Idleness and laziness are the origin of all disasters. 16、水涨船高,风大树摇。

When the water rises, the boat rises and the wind blows,


the tree sways.


First nail the stake, then tie the donkey, first scatter the nest and then fish.


Sleeping people shout, but pretending to sleep is difficult. 19、水大湿不了船,火大烧不了锅。

Water can't wet a boat, fire can't burn a pot. 20、熟能生巧,巧能生精。

Practice makes perfect, and vice makes perfect. 21、有果必有因,有利必有害。

If there is fruit, there will be cause, and if there is benefit, there will be harm.


The iron is too cold to fight and the words too cold to speak.


Don't talk short, don't hit people in the face. 24、双手是活宝,一世用不了。

Hands are a living treasure that will never be used for a lifetime.



There are no tigers in the mountains. Monkeys are called kings.


There are many incenses burned and many ghosts provoked.


Good and evil do as others do, and good and evil do as they please.


The water is too big to cover the boat, and the hands are too big to cover the sky.


How deep is the foundation and how high is the wall? 30、信了肚,卖了屋。

Believe in your stomach and sell your house. 31、歇肩莫歇长,走路莫走忙。 Don't walk busily. 32、水能载舟,亦能覆舟。

Water can carry a boat and overturn it. 33、喂牛得犁,喂马得骑。

Feed cattle plough, feed horses ride. 34、细水长流成河,粒米积蓄成箩。


Thin water flows into rivers, and grain accumulates into baskets.


No melon is round, no man is perfect. 36、龙眼识珠,凤眼识宝,牛眼识草。

Longan knows beads, phoenix eye knows treasure, ox eye knows grass.


More lice than itch, more debt than worry. 38、吃菜吃心,听话听音。

Eat your vegetables, eat your heart, listen to your voice. 39、人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。

Man can't look, sea water can't be measured. 40、天才和懒惰结伴,等于一事无成。

Genius and laziness go hand in hand and accomplish nothing.


Every day has its ups and downs, and every man has his misfortunes.


Have a taste of your meal and think before you do anything.


43、先睡心,后睡眼。 Sleep first, then your eyes. 44、一样事,百样做。 One thing, do everything.


You can't catch two fish at one hand, you can't read two lines at one glance.


The rope is sawn and the dripping stones pierce. 47、生气,是拿别人的错误惩罚自己。

To be angry is to punish oneself for the mistakes of others. 48、未晚先投宿,鸡鸣早看天。

Bed before night, cock crows early to see the sky. 49、山外有山,天外有天。

There are mountains outside, and there are days outside. 50、一羽示风向,一草示水流。

A feather shows the direction of the wind and a grass shows the current.


There is no fire in the house and no smoke outside. 52、是饭充饥,是衣遮体。

It's food to fill hunger, clothing to cover the body.



Three people leaned around and poured the cooker. 54、山大压不住泉水,牛大压不死虱子。

Mountains can't hold down springs, cattle can't kill lice. 55、食在广州,住在苏州。

Eat in Guangzhou and live in Suzhou. 56、团结一条心,黄土变成金。 Together, loess becomes gold. 57、什么藤结什么瓜,什么树开什么花。

What vine knots what melon, what tree blossoms what flower.

58、贪小失大,惜指失掌。 Greed is small, but loss is great. 59、顺藤摸瓜,顺水求源。

Touch the melon along the vine, seek the source along the water.


Mountains are high and low, and water is deep and shallow.

61、天不严寒地不冻,人不伤心泪不流。 It's not cold or frozen. People don't cry. 62、行船趁顺风,打铁趁火红。


Shipping takes advantage of the wind and iron takes advantage of the fire. 63、手舞足蹈,九十不老。

Dancing hand and foot, ninety is not old. 64、人无远虑,必有近忧。

A man without foresight must have immediate worries. 65、吸不张口,呼不闭口。 You can't breathe or breathe. 66、天无一月雨,人无一世穷。

There is no rain in January, and no man is poor forever.
