专利名称:Image display system
发明人:Niranjan Damera-Venkata,Nelson Liang An
摘要:A projection system for displaying an arbitrary combination of superimposedand tiled images using a plurality of projectors. A sub-frame generator generates aplurality of sub-frames corresponding to an image frame for simultaneous display by the
projectors in at least partially overlapping positions on a display surface. The sub-framesare generated using optimal sub-pixel blending maps that are derived by forming asimulated image to approximate a target image subject to at least one smoothingconstraint between the simulated image and the target image. The target image isformed from the image frame using at least one property (e.g., luminance or color) ofeach of the plurality of projectors.
申请人:Niranjan Damera-Venkata,Nelson Liang An Chang
地址:Palo Alto CA US,Palo Alto CA US