hellool olah this is quite an informal greeting.how are you? (formal)como est ?komu eshta? you often say things differently depending on whether you are speaking formally or informally. speak formally to people you meet for the first time, people older than you, or as a general sign of respect.how are you? (informal)como est s?komu eshtazh? this is the informal variation, which is only used with people you know well, family members, children, or people significantly younger than yourself.i m ok, thank you.estou bem, obrigado/aeshtoh baym[ng], obrigahdu/a lit. i am well, thank you. this is perhaps the most common response to the above question. for thank you , men say obrigado , women say obrigada (regardless of whether the person they are talking to is male or female).*i am fineestou ptimo/aeshtoh ohtimu/a note that the p in optimo (fine) is virtually silent (the brazilians spell it without a p ). again, whether to use optimo or optima depends on your own gender.is everything ok?tudo bem?toodu baym[ng]? lit. everything well? note: this is probably the most common greeting in portuguese - it is used much more frequently than 'como est ?'.yes (everything is ok)tudo [bem]toodu lit. everything [well]. the bem is optional when replying to the above question.not too badmais ou menosmyze oh menush lit. more or less. use this response if you want to indicate that you are a little under the weather .pleased to meet youprazerprazair lit. pleasure. very pleased to meet youmuito prazerm[ng]wee[ng]tu prazair lit. much pleasure. the word muito has a very nasal sound, which kind of breaks the rules of pronunciation! sometimes it can sound
more like moitu , depending on the accent of the speaker.good morningbom diabom[ng] deeya lit. good day a slightly more formal greeting than ol generally used up until about 1pm.good afternoonboa tardeboa tarde (after about 1pm)good eveningboa noiteboa noite note that the same word, noite, is used for both evening and night. switch from saying boa tarde to boa noite around sunset.good nightboa noiteboa noitenote: you can mix ol with bom dia, boa tarde, boa noite to make another fairly informal greeting (eg. ol , bom dia)goodbyeadeusadayush lit. to god . note that you can use bom dia, boa tarde, and boa noite to say goodbye as well. seeya tchauchow this is a brazilian expression, but is widely used by portuguese as well.see you later (same day)at logoatay logu lit. until straight away , which doesn t really make sense, but then neither do a lot of things in portuguese!see you later (another day)at amanh atay aman[ng]yah lit. until tomorrow used even if you won t actually see the person for a few days.see you soon (very soon)at j atay zhah lit. until already you get the idea!see you next timeat a pr ximaatay a prossimayessimsim[ng]non onow[ng] can also mean not .pleasese faz favorse fazh favor often shortened to faz favor por favorpor favor - another alternativethank youobrigadoobrigahdu only said by malesobrigadaobrigahda only said by femalesthank you very muchmuito obrigado/am[ng]wee[ng]tu obrigahdu/a *re: obrigado/obrigada: in some regions, particularly the algarve, it is common for both men and women to use both obrigado and obrigada - switching between them depending on the gender of the person they are talking to. this is technically incorrect because the word 'obrigado' is an adjective which is describing the person speaking - it literally means 'obliged'.
many native portuguese speakers are unaware of this, and they will sometimes
insist that the choice of word depends on the person you are speaking to, and that it would be considered rude for a man to say 'obrigado' to a woman. however, iwould strongly recommend that you stick to the 'correct' way of speaking - menonly say 'obrigado', womenonly say 'obrigada' - unless you happen to live in a region where the locals will be offended by this!
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