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考研英语阅读例题:As Penny-Pinchers Hover, Business Trips Rebound


As Penny-Pinchers Hover, Business Trips Rebound 节俭出行,商务旅行回暖

The New York Times November 29, 2010

Some airlines, after a long period of cutting capacity, are now cautiously adding seats to accommodate the growth in demand. Delta, for example, said in October that its fourth-quarter capacity would be up 3 to 5 percent domestically and 10 to 12 percent internationally.

Wall Street loves hearing that airlines are holding the line on capacity because it means that supply and demand are balanced in favor of the supplier. But since January, according to a recent report by the International Air Transport Association, worldwide airline capacity “has entered the market at a faster rate than demand.” Airlines have been rushing to assure stock market analysts that they still have the demand-supply equation under control.

Meanwhile, companies are alarmed by indications that travel costs are rising, even as improved economic conditions argue for sending more employees out on the road. Next year, according to the American Express Global Business Travel Forecast released last month, “pricing power will swing back to air and hotel suppliers for the first time in two years.”

For business travelers, of course, this all means more lectures from corporate travel managers about saving money. As the American Express report put it, companies need to re-examine cost control tactics to guard against the expected “significant rate increases” next year.

According to the annual Business Traveler Survey just released by the consulting company Deloitte, 24 percent of respondents plan to take more business trips next year and an additional 56 percent expect to take at least as many as in 2010. They’re on a tighter rein, too. Half said they were now required to obtain preapproval for business trips. Nearly a quarter said they were now staying at cheaper hotels.

Now, those of us who have been around this rodeo for a while have seen this particular event many times. Corporate travel managers wail that costs are soaring, and they demand compliance with new or old, but always strict, travel policies — or else.

But as business conditions improve and the need to travel becomes compelling, many business travelers push back and say, in effect, “Whaddya mean I have to save money by connecting on that crummy airline through Chicago and Houston to get to my destination in Los Angeles, where you expect me to stay at some cheap hotel that’s an hour’s drive from my meeting?”

So we’ll listen to the lectures and travel with our usual fiscal prudence. But we can take heart in a statistic released by the International Air Transport Association. Penny-pinching aside, international premium travel in first- and business-class was up 12.1 percent in September.

As they say at the rodeo, Yippee! 1 What can we infer from paragraph one?

A Some airlines are benefiting from the improved economic conditions. B Some airlines are trying to balance the demand and supply. C Some airlines have been cutting down the price for a long time. D Some airlines have provided accommodation for their passengers.

2 According to a recent report by the International Air Transport Association, . A airlines have supplied more seats than actually demanded

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B airlines have responded to the demand at a fast speed

C airlines have relied on stock market analysts to enter the market D airlines have had the demand-supply equation under control 3 Companies are facing the problem of . A more business trips B higher travel expenses C shortage of funds D revision of cost control tactics 4 The statement “They’re on a tighter rein, too” in paragraph five means . A they must reduce their business trips, too B they must save their own money, too

C they are also affected by the new situations D they are also under strict control

5 In the last two paragraphs, the author implies that . A employees have to travel with their usual fiscal prudence

B airlines will benefit from the increase of international premium travel

C the statistic released by the International Air Transport Association is authoratative D companies may invest more to make business trips more pleasurable for employees



[真题例句] Another line of thought assumes a memory storage system of limited capacity (①) that provides adaptive flexibility specifically through forgetting.[1995年阅读5]

[例句精译] 另一种思路则假定人的记忆存储系统储量有限,这个系统专门通过遗忘提供适应的灵活性。 [真题例句] That concept implies educational opportunity for all children-the right of each child to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capacity (②), whether that capacity be small or great.[1994年阅读3]

[例句精译] 这一概念暗示了所有儿童都有接受教育的机会——即每个儿童,不管其本身的能力大小与否,都有权利在学习上最大限度地得到帮助。 [真题例句] ④) utilisation, for example, hit historically high levels earlier this year, and its jobless rate (5.6% in August) has fallen below most estimates of the natural rate of unemployment - the rate below which inflation has taken off in the past.[1997年阅读5] [例句精译] 例如,美国的生产力利用率在今年前段时间达到了历史最高水平,失业率(8月份为5.6%)已降到低于对自然失业率的大多数估测——过去,当比率低于自然失业率时,通货膨胀率早已迅速上升。


[真题例句] For retailers, who last year took in 24 percent of their revenue between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the cautious approach is coming at a crucial time.[2004年阅读3] [例句精译] 去年在感恩节和圣诞节之间零售商的销售收入是全年的百分之二十四,对于他们来讲,在关键时期该谨慎行事了。


[真题例句] And they also need to give serious (21:thought) to how they can be best (22:accommodate) (③) such changes.[2003年完形]

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[例句精译] 他们也应该认真考虑青少年是如何适应这些变化的。 domestic[də'mestik]a.①家里的;②本国的;③驯养的 [真题例句] the domestic (②) market.[2000年阅读1]

[例句精译] 外国制造的汽车和纺织品正在蜂拥而入国内市场。 equation[i'kweiʃən]n.①(数学)等式,方程式;②(with)相等;③均衡 swing[swiŋ]v.摇摆,摇荡,回转,旋转;n.①秋千;②摇摆,摆动

[真题例句] Rich economies are also less dependent on oil than they were, and so less sensitive to swings (n.②) in the oil price.[2002年阅读3] [例句精译] 发达国家对石油的依赖性也不如从前,因此对油价的波动也就不会那么敏感。 tactics['tæktiks]n.战术,策略

[真题例句] He describes their programmes and tactics, and, for those unfamiliar with the ways of creationists, the extent of their deception and distortion may come as an unpleasant surprise.[1996年阅读5] [例句精译] 他揭露了这些人的伎俩和手段,对那些不了解创世纪论者惯用手法的人来说,其欺骗和歪曲事实的程度会让他们感到气愤和吃惊。 annual['ænjuəl]a.每年的,年度的;n.年刊,年鉴 [真题例句]

left after complaining about Ottawa at their late July annual (a.) meeting, might spare a moment to do something, to reduce health-care costs.[2005年新题型]

[例句精译] 加拿大的省政府官员们在六月末年会上对政府当局怨声载道,在此之余,他们应该花一点时间来做一些实事,尽量减少健康福利的支出。

particular[pə'tikjulə]a.特殊的,特别的;特定的,个别的;n.[常pl.]详情,细目 compel[kəm'pel]v.强迫,迫使

[真题例句] It also means that governments are increasingly compelled to interfere in these sectors in order to step up production and ensure that it is utilized to the best advantage.[2000年翻译]

[例句精译] 这也意味着:政府不得不逐渐加大对这些部门的干预力度,以便提高生产率,确保生产率发挥最佳效益。


Delta Air Lines公司(又称:达美航空、德尔塔航空、三角航空)总部设在亚特兰大,是美国第三大航空公司。 三角航空公司在1924年成立时只是一家给农作物喷洒农药的公司,1928年改为三角航空服务公司,随后增加客运服务。1941年,公司将总部从门罗迁至亚特兰大。1953年,三角航空公司与芝加哥和南方航空公司合并。1972年,它又兼并了东北航空公司。1987年兼并西部航空公司,从而成为美国第三大航空公司。三角航空公司是美国的一家骨干航空公司,每天运营2600多个航班飞往全世界26个国家的 197个城市。 国际航空运输协会 (1945年4月在古巴首都哈瓦纳召开世界航空企业会议时所成立的机构, 以发展安全且经济的航空运输、促进贸易等为目的; 目前有130多个国家的逾230个会员 (航空公司); 总部设在加拿大蒙特利尔 (Montreal). 网址: http://www.iata.org/) (IATA)




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