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2021-05-01 来源:华佗健康网
大千世界 which has become moj.e pronounced4 in the last 10 years.’’ “So what should Daniel Westling do to main— tain the Swedish Monarchy’S credibilityS? “He’S an entrepreneur and started out by saying he’S going to promote Swedish business abroad and at home.But he’S now opted to focus on health and youth questions instead.’’ says Grimstad.It’S a better idea from the point of view the Royal of Westling’S background, and both Family’S as well as his own credibility, Grimstad believes. “You get involved with highly po— 开辟人道主义道路,这在过去十年尽人皆知。 litieally—sensitive issues in business, which could be hazardOUS for the “那么韦斯特林应如何保持瑞典王室的威信 呢? Swedish Monarchy if they take part. “他是个企业家,开始说自己想推动瑞典的国 Besides,Westling has very litlte formal 内外贸易。但现在转而决定着眼于健康及青年问 and family competence.This will make 题。”Grimstad认为,从韦斯特林的背景、皇室家庭 it dificult for him to gain authority and exposure in business life, as Swedish industria】ists are wel1.educated.” Westling has undergone kidney 及他本人的可信度来说,现在的想法很好。 “商场上可能触及极度敏感的政治问题,若参 与其中对瑞典王室可能有危险。另外,韦斯特林几 乎没有正规学历和家庭背景,这使其在商圈中难 transplant surgery,which gives him an 以出人头地.因为瑞典的实业家都受过良好教 advantage elsewhere. “Today,being 育。” able to talk from personal experience saves you credibility,”Grimstad says. From:http://theforeigner.no 韦斯特林接受过肾脏移植手术,这在其它方 面却成为他的优势。“当今,现身说法更可信,” Grimstad说。 嗣 爱情谚语 王茹花/荐稿 Old love.will not be forgotten. 旧情难忘。 爱是爱的报答。 爱情自会找出路。 Love is the reward of love. Love will find out the way. Wihoutt respect,love cannot go far 如不相互尊重.爱情就难持久。 30 @⑥00@ @匡响 06s响 
