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从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. You the flowers, for it is going to rain.

A. couldn’t have watered B. needn’t have watered C. mustn’t have watered D. wouldn’t have watered

2. I was walking along the crowded street when I heard a cry from a lady for help. A. at the same time B. all at once

C. at a time

D. all the time

3. I don’t think being poor is anything to be , as it might force one to work hard to succeed.

A. ashamed of B. proud of C. fond of D. sick of

4. Buses in this city are inconvenient and uncomfortable; , they never run on time.

A. in any case B. in turn C. in return D. in addition 5. Be careful not to any words when taking notes in the meeting.

A. find out B. leave out C. hold out D. make out

6. “I told you,” Tom said angrily, “not to play with my hat. Look, you’ve knocked it out of .”

A. date B. order C. shape D. style 7. from him for a long time, I decided to write to him again. A. Not hearing

B. Hearing not

C. Not having heard

D. Having not heard

8. — I can’t catch what you said.

— I’ll translate my words into what I really mean. A. Look at the time! B. Give me a moment. C. It’s your turn.

D. I’m stuck.

9. If translated word by word, as we all know, the passage will be difficult . A. to understand

C. being understood

B. understanding D. understood

10. — You put forward a good suggestion at the meeting yesterday.

— Yes, but now I regret that.

A. to do B. doing C. having done D. to have done

11. the sad news, he rushed out of the house, crying loudly.

A. On hearing B. When heard C. To hear D. Heard

12. , the fire was put out in time before it became too serious.

A. Honestly B. Naturally C. Sadly

D. Fortunately

13. Nancy has been my sister for more than five years.

A. on good terms for B. on good terms with C. in good terms with D. in good terms for

14. He was lying on the grass, his hands under his head. A.cross

B. crossed C. are crossed D. to cross

15. It was such a nice joke that everybody laughing.

A. burst out B. worked out C. turned out D. burned out


Author Joseph Campbell often talked about “following your bliss (赐福)”. I heard of a bus driver in Chicago who does just that. He sings while he 16 . That’s right — sings! And I don’t mean he sings 17 to himself, either. He sings so that the 18 bus can hear! All day long he drives and sings.

He was once 19 on Chicago Television. He said that he was not actually a bus driver. “I’m a professional 20 ,” he asserted (宣称). “I only drive the bus to get a captive (无权选择的) 21 every single day.”

His “bliss” is not driving a bus, 22 that may be a source of enjoyment for some people. His bliss is singing. 23 the director of the Chicago Transit Authority (高速运输) is 24 happy about the whole arrangement. You 25 , people line up to ride his bus. They even let other buses 26 so that they can ride with the “singing bus driver”. They 27 it! One passenger says that riding his bus causes him a 28 enjoyment of life.

Here is a man who knows why he was put here on 29 . For him, it is to make people happy. And the more he sings, the 30 he makes people! He has found a way to combine his life purpose with his 31 . By following his bliss, he is actually living the kind of life he believes he was meant to 32 .

Not everybody can 33 a purpose in life. But when you do, and when you 34 it, you will be living the kind of life you feel you were meant to live; what’s 35 , you will be happy, too. 16. A. walks

B. runs

C. drives

D. moves

17. A. loudly 18. A. complete

B. softly C. sadly D. rapidly

B. full C. total D. whole

C. provided D. asked C. singer C. stranger

19. A. interviewed B. offered 20. A. passenger 21. A. audience 22. A. after 23. A. But 24. A. perfectly 25. A. guess 26. A. come up 27. A. care 28. A. slight 29. A. world 30. A. happier 31. A. future 32. A. use 33. A. mind 34. A. spot

B. businessman B. guest B. since B. Or B. barely B. think B. pass by B. admire B. keen B. work B. crazier B. fate B. live B. think B. pursue

D. worker D. person

C. though D. when C. And D. For C. hardly D. quickly C. see C. leave out C. respect

D. say

D. go down D. love

C. slow D. long C. duty D. earth C. busier

D. shyer

C. pay D. occupation C. follow D. obey C. believe

D. understand

C. purchase D. fetch

35. A. more B. better

C. less D. further




One winter morning, a water pipe in our junior high school building burst because of cold. Arriving at school, we found our classroom flooded with all the desks dripping with (浸满) water. We began fishing out things from there, but soon we were told to go and use the music room until everything would get dry and clean.

During the following several days, surrounded by angry-looking portraits of the world’s greatest composers, we took classes, sitting around an old piano. Though the teachers were complaining about damp maps and workbooks rescued from the flood, we students were happily excited about this unexpected situation.

It was on the piano that I found a tattered (破旧的) copy of Daddy Long Legs someone had left. Along with funny illustrations, some words of Judy, a girl in the book, caught my attention. “Life is monotonous enough at best ... but imagine how deadly monotonous enough at best it would be if nothing unexpected could happen between meals.” “Everybody likes a few surprises.”

I thought I knew exactly what she was talking about and instantly counted her as my friend. Her school life itself, which consisted of exams, assignments, games, parties and vacations, however, seemed just like anybody else’s. I wondered what it was that made the book so attractive to its readers if her life was not particularly unusual and what her “surprises” really meant.

Soon we moved back to our regular classroom, but the good feelings we had had during our surprise-time still remained with us for a while. Gradually, I began to feel that surprises can be happy additions to your daily life only when the daily life is a stable and solid one. Life is monotonous. But, if you try to enjoy every moment of your simple life, like Judy, with the help of your imagination, you will discover small surprises to smile at here and there in your life itself.

36. Why were the author’s class told to go to the music room?

A. Because they were students majoring in music.

B. Because they were to meet the world’s greatest composers. C. Because their classroom was flooded.

D. Because it was more interesting to have classes there.

37. We learn from the second paragraph that .

A. both teachers and students were depressed by the unexpected event B. the students complained about the damp maps and workbooks too C. the students were angry for having to have classes in the music room D. the students actually regarded the event as a pleasant surprise

38. Why did the author mention Daddy Long Legs in the passage? A. It was his favorite book.

C. It cheered him up in a hard situation. D. It gave him some inspiration.

B. It mirrored his own life.

39. The purpose of the author is to tell us .

A. life is full of unexpected things

B. small surprises in life can be unforgettable C. we should face life with a negative attitude D. we should read books as often as we can

40. The underlined word “monotonous” has a similar meaning to “ ”. A. hard

B. funny

C. boring


D. complex

It was one of the biggest breakups in history. More than 40 million years ago, the island continent of Australia snapped (断裂) free of the vast landmass that included Antarctic and South America and began to drift toward the equator. Cut off from the rest of the world, plant and animal life on the super-island began to go its own way, evolving into forms found nowhere else on earth.

The male bower bird (园丁鸟) is an accomplished avian (鸟类的) architect that has long fascinated scientists with its remarkably complex courting behavior. Instead of using just showy feathers or a romantic melody to attract a mate, the pigeon-sized bower bird constructs a complex structure — a bower — on the forest floor from tiny branches, leaves, and moss (苔藓). It then decorates the bower with colorful materials, from feathers to berries and shells.

The bowers aren’t nests for raising kids; they are designed to attract one or more mates. When a female arrives to inspect the bower, the male struts (大摇大摆地走) and sings. He hopes to convince her to enter the bower, where mating takes place.

Overall, there are 17 kinds of bower birds in Australia and on the neighboring island of New Guinea. Each builds its own shape of bower and prefers a different decorating scheme. A few, for instance, surround their bowers with carefully-planted lawns of moss. Others have been known to steal shiny coins, spoons — even a glass eye — in an effort to create the perfect romantic mood. Some, like the blue Satin bower bird, even “paint” the walls of their structures with chewed berries or charcoal.

41. Which of the following about the male bower bird interests scientists? A. Its complex courting behavior . C. Its romantic melody.

42. A male bower bird builds the bower to .

B. Its showy feathers. D. Its big size.

A. raise the young

B. protect the female D. hide from its enemies

C. attract the female 43. Blue Satin bower bird can .

A. steal things to paint the walls of its bower B. build a bower of a different color C. store berries or charcoal in the bower

D. make the walls of a bower colorful with chewed berries or charcoal

44. Which of the following is TRUE according to the last paragraph?

A. All kinds of bower birds can build bowers.

B. Bowers built by different birds serve different purposes. C. All bowers are in the same style. D. Most bowers are found in Australia.

45. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. The unique birds in Australia B. The living habits of the bower bird C. The male bower bird: an avian architect

D. The male bower bird: the most clever bird in the world


When I volunteer for a cause, or just lend a helping hand to a friend in need, I feel really good inside. Researcher Alan Luks knows for a fact that volunteers gain many benefits from the act of giving, like a reduction in stress and depression, a decrease in physical pain, and a rush of endorphins (脑内啡) that makes people feel great inside.

In a study of more than 3,000 volunteers from more than 20 charitable (慈善的) organizations across America, Luks analyzed how the volunteers felt both during and after conducting their acts of kindness. Luks, who wrote the book “The Healing Power of Doing Good: The Health and Spiritual Benefits of Helping Others,” was able to directly link a feeling of good health with volunteering.

One of the most unique things Luks found was what he coined (创造) as “helper’s high.” This refers to the rush of endorphins the body releases during and after performing an act of volunteering. Endorphins are the body’s natural pain killers, and are often released during acts of great pleasure, like when someone wins the lottery. Once endorphins are released, they help the body experience a sustained feeling of calm that can increase overall emotional health.

The benefits of volunteering are particularly strong for young people. Young volunteers learn how to respect differences and how to appreciate their own families and circumstances. Teenagers who volunteer regularly at a nursing home or shelter learn to become trustworthy as others in the community come to rely on them. In addition, they get wonderful on-the-job skills training. And there’s been a lot of research into how volunteering prevents risky behaviors in teens, and can help increase academic (的) success in teens already considered at-risk.

So, we’re seeing scientific proof that giving to others yields benefits not just for the receiver, but the giver. But, really, haven’t we always known that giving is better than getting? Volunteering is not just good for the one who gets, but for the one who gives, too. 46. What would be the best title of the passage?

A. How volunteering benefits young people B. Volunteering benefits volunteers too C. Who benefits more from volunteering?

D. Volunteering helps reduce stress and depression

47. Once endorphins are released,people will . A. feel great pain

B. become stressed

C. have a strong feeling of calm D. experience great pleasure

48. Which of the following is NOT among the benefits of volunteering for young people?

A. They will be more likely to trust others. B. They can get practical working skills.

C. They are more willing to accept the differences between people. D. They are more likely to achieve academic success.

49. We can infer from the fourth paragraph that .

A. teens already considered at-risk can’t take part in volunteering

B. volunteering can help teens already considered at-risk change for the better C. teens already considered at-risk can’t get the same benefit from volunteering D. we can find risky behaviors in teens during the course of volunteering

50. The author of the passage probably . A. doesn’t do voluntary work often

B. knows little about the benefits of volunteering C. took part in Alan Luks’ study

D. fully supports volunteering


The Expo 2010 Shanghai China is essentially a world’s fair. At this fair, 189 countries build structures, called “pavilions”, to showcase (展览、展示) the architecture, style and theme of the pavilions, as well as present displays, presentations, and a variety of programming inside

the pavilions. There are also many organizations and corporations that participate in the Expo by building pavilions related to their own special interests.

The main purpose of the Expo is to showcase whatever each country has to offer with hopes that people or corporations from other countries will be impressed and decide to conduct business in that country.

For example, Switzerland has a pavilion that showcases their diversity, the Swiss Alps, and the high quality of life in Switzerland. Cuba will highlight what they are famous for: cigars and cocktails.

The architecture, the themes, and the displays inside of the pavilions are all designed to promote the benefits of the various countries. Basically, the countries are trying to sell themselves to the rest of the world with hopes that it will translate into more opportunities for their countries.

The World Expo is similar to the Olympic Games in some ways. They’re both global in scale and cities from around the world compete to become the host city for the event. The Olympics are held every 4 years, but the World Expo is held every 5 years. The World Expo actually runs for 6 months, much longer than the Olympic Games.

The city chosen to host a World Expo will get similar benefits as a city that hosts the Olympic Games. Some of the benefits include worldwide exposure, improved global status, revenue from tourism, and city-wide improvements to handle the millions of expected visitors. Many people say that the costs involved outweigh (超过) any benefits that might get from the event. 51. The main purpose of the Expo is to show . A. how developed a country is

B. the high quality life in a country

C. the best businesses in a country

D. what a country is famous for

52. At the pavilion of Switzerland, people can learn about . A. how high the Swiss Alps is B. their high quality life C. their cigars and cocktails

D. the long history of Switzerland

53. The participating countries build the pavilions mainly to .

A. show their unique architectural styles B. find new opportunities for their countries

C. attract foreign visitors D. sell what they have to offer

54. We can infer from the last paragraph that .

A. a host city can benefit more from the World Expo than from the Olympic Games B. the World Expo is less beneficial compared with the Olympic Games C. only a host city can benefit from the World Expo

D. many people are doubtful about the benefits of the World Expo

55. The underlined word “revenue” in the last paragraph has a similar meaning to “ ”.

A. opinions

B. tickets

C. income

D. advice


第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)


[1] One thing that is always popular in the birthday party is the birthday cards. The following are some interesting ideas for you, which are not only creative but economic.

[2] One of the best birthday card ideas is to get a big card that has a picturesque front. You can sign in your wishes and your name at its back, which especially works with the teenagers and kids. They love to place their favorite cartoons and fantasy characters in various places in the house. Most of the times, people decorate it in their living-room or bedroom as a wall hanging. It stays on with them for months or years ahead.

[3] Another tip is to try talking cards. The moment you open it, it would say “Happy Birthday” or some sweet little words. Sometimes you would come across interesting things like a cat meowing (猫叫) or a dog barking. They are also really fun. Likewise another interesting idea is to take a musical card. You can choose among the birthday tune and some happy kids’ songs.

[4] You can also look for cards where the characters dance constantly. It is simply done by placing a light weight spring behind the neck, hands, and feet of the character made on the front. This technique is interestingly used to show interaction among two to three characters. They can show dancing or fighting with each other.

[5] If you log on to (登录) the Internet, you shall come across many ideas to make a birthday card all by yourself. They are fun to try and easy to make. A hand-made card is a perfect gift for your best friend, as it would show your true emotions to him or her. If you want to make a classic piece best suited for the teenagers, buy hand-made paper and decorate it with gloss pens, ribbons, etc.

[6] Birthday card ideas can be many and it is up to you how you . 56. What’s the main idea of the passage? (no more than 10 words) .

57. List three kinds of birthday cards mentioned in the passage. (no more than 20 words)

① ② ③

58. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 6 with proper words. (no more than 6 words) .

59. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

Teenagers and kids are especially fond of the cards with the sender’s name and wishes at its back.

. 60. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese.. .

第二节 写作(满分30分)

假如你是李华,你们外教Mr Anderson前几天刚回到。请你代表你们班给他写一封感谢信,感谢他在过去的一年中对你们的,并他方便时再来中国。他在上课时风趣幽默,每个人都有参与机会,你们学到了很多的课外知识。

注意:词数120-150。 参考答案: 1-15 BBADB 16-35 CBDAC




56. Creative & economic birthday card ideas

57. ① A big card that has a picturesque front ② Talking cards ③ Cards with characters dancing constantly on the front

58. plan to buy or make it

59. You can sign in your wishes and your name at its back, which especially works with the teenagers and kids.

60. 送给你最好的朋友手工制作的卡片再合适不过了,因为它能表明你对他或她的真实情感。 One possible version: Dear Mr Anderson,

I am very glad to know that you have arrived in America safely. I am here writing to you to express our thanks for your excellent teaching in the past year.

You are the first foreign teacher in our school and your wonderful teaching method has left everyone a deep impression. There was always laughter in your classes while we could learn a great amount of knowledge beyond the textbook. Your sense of humor made us forget the pressure in our busy school life. More importantly, you managed to give each of us a chance to show ourselves, which is rare in other classes. All of us appreciated your teaching and learned how to learn English and enjoyed learning English.

We hope that you can pay a visit to China again when it is convenient to you. Best wishes to you and your family!
